read the disk

read the diskread the disk
  1. My computer can 't read the disk you sent .


  2. By comparing the information on this topic using a variety of hardware to read the hard disk serial number of ways to generate machine code .


  3. The files are decrypted when they are read from the disk into memory so that the file data kept in memory is in clear format .


  4. For this reason , SATA drives can suffer from a problem known as silent data corruption , where errors can be introduced and not detected when the data is read from the disk .


  5. Because the pages are not read sequentially from the disk , both seek and rotational delays occur before each page can be read .


  6. A web server that is storing an object in memory will likely respond to a request faster than a web server that needs to read the file from disk .


  7. If such a file name exists in the hard disk , the playback mode selection value matched to that file is read from the hard disk and is set as the playback mode for the recording medium .


  8. My subject confirmed the SOPC system design and construction is successful , taking to read the content of U disk for example .


  9. At the same time , data can be read back from the U disk to DSO for carrying out follow-up operation .


  10. When your operating system is running , files on the diskette can be read without triggering the boot disk virus .


  11. Because it involves the read operation from the hard disk and a large number of combined operations , so the computation times will be very long .


  12. It then communicates where it wants to read or write from the disk to the lower level driver which may or may not talk directly to hardware .


  13. A cache that stores copies of frequently used disk sectors in random access memory ( RAM ) so they can be read without accessing the slower disk .
